13 research outputs found


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    現在,国内では駐輪場施設の不足や問題意識の低さ,違法性の認識不足などのため放置自転車の発生が後を絶たず,地域問題・社会問題となっている.放置自転車は,街の美観を損なうだけでなく,歩行や車両通行の妨げ,交通事故,盗難の原因となっている.こうした放置自転車問題の解決に向けて,日々の放置自転車状況をLinked Open Data(LOD)として公開し,データ基盤を構築することが必要であると考える.このLODを活用することで,自転車放置状況の可視化,最適な駐輪場の設置場所の提示,撤去活動の支援など,放置自転車問題解決に寄与するサービスの開発が可能になる.本研究では放置自転車問題解決に向けて必要なデータを収集し,LODとして統一化して公開し,さらに可視化することで市民の問題意識を向上させて次のデータ収集につなげる循環型システムを提案する.本研究ではまず,放置自転車問題に関する統一的なLODスキーマ設計の方法論を示し,次にSNSから813件の実データと行政のWebサイトから放置自転車の台数に影響を与えるデータを収集した.設計したLODスキーマに基づいて収集したデータをLOD化した.さらに,データ収集の際に生じる欠損をベイジアンネットワークにより推定し,70.3%の精度で欠損値を推定した.推定結果をLODに追加し,最終的に219,804トリプルのLODとしてWeb上に公開した.最後に構築したLODを可視化することで地域住民の問題意識向上と持続的なデータの収集につなげた.本システムにより放置自転車問題解決の一助となる有用なデータセットの構築が確認でき,他の地域課題・社会課題にも適応できる可能性を示した.電気通信大学201

    Temporal and Spatial Expansion of Urban LOD for Solving Illegally Parked Bicycles in Tokyo

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    The illegal parking of bicycles is a serious urban problem in Tokyo. The purpose of this study was to sustainably build Linked Open Data (LOD) to assist in solving the problem of illegally parked bicycles (IPBs) by raising social awareness, in cooperation with the Office for Youth Affairs and Public Safety of the Tokyo Metropolitan Government (Tokyo Bureau). We first extracted information on the problem factors and designed LOD schema for IPBs. Then we collected pieces of data from the Social Networking Service (SNS) and the websites of municipalities to build the illegally parked bicycle LOD (IPBLOD) with more than 200,000 triples. We then estimated the temporal missing data in the LOD based on the causal relations from the problem factors and estimated spatial missing data based on geospatial features. As a result, the number of IPBs can be inferred with about 70% accuracy, and places where bicycles might be illegally parked are estimated with about 31% accuracy. Then we published the complemented LOD and a Web application to visualize the distribution of IPBs in the city. Finally, we applied IPBLOD to large social activity in order to raise social awareness of the IPB issues and to remove IPBs, in cooperation with the Tokyo Bureau

    Mapping Science Based on Research Content Similarity

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    Maps of science representing the structure of science help us understand science and technology development. Thus, research in scientometrics has developed techniques for analyzing research activities and for measuring their relationships; however, navigating the recent scientific landscape is still challenging, since conventional inter-citation and co-citation analysis has difficulty in applying to recently published articles and ongoing projects. Therefore, to characterize what is being attempted in the current scientific landscape, this article proposes a content-based method of locating research articles/projects in a multi-dimensional space using word/paragraph embedding. Specifically, for addressing an unclustered problem, we introduced cluster vectors based on the information entropies of technical concepts. The experimental results showed that our method formed a clustered map from approx. 300 k IEEE articles and NSF projects from 2012 to 2016. Finally, we confirmed that formation of specific research areas can be captured as changes in the network structure


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    ものづくり分野においては多種多様な部品が製品として流通している.流通を支援する企業間のElectronic Data Interchange (EDI)実現のためには,製品情報のコード体系が不可欠であり,それらは企業団体において管理・運用されている.これらのコード体系をLinked Open Data (LOD)化し,設計や販売などのデータとリンクすることで,設計工程から流通工程や販売価格に至る,製造業の業務を支援する有用なエージェントの開発が可能になると考えられる.そこで,我々はこれまで機械部品流通に注目し,ねじコード体系を基にしたLOD (ねじLOD)の構築と利活用の検討を行ってきた.しかし,ねじLODを業務支援に活用するためには,外部データセットや企業データとのリンク付けなどによるデータの拡充が課題であった.本研究では,ねじLODをBill of materials (BOM)に応用した業務支援エージェントの実現を目的とし,ねじLODの拡充を行った.具体的には,類似度計算を用いたDBpedia Japaneseとのリンク付けを行い,適合率88%を確認した.また,スクレイピングによる商品提供関係の構築を行った.更に,ねじLODをBOMに応用したエージェントの例について述べる

    CIRO: COVID-19 infection risk ontology.

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    Public health authorities perform contact tracing for highly contagious agents to identify close contacts with the infected cases. However, during the pandemic caused by coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), this operation was not employed in countries with high patient volumes. Meanwhile, the Japanese government conducted this operation, thereby contributing to the control of infections, at the cost of arduous manual labor by public health officials. To ease the burden of the officials, this study attempted to automate the assessment of each person's infection risk through an ontology, called COVID-19 Infection Risk Ontology (CIRO). This ontology expresses infection risks of COVID-19 formulated by the Japanese government, toward automated assessment of infection risks of individuals, using Resource Description Framework (RDF) and SPARQL (SPARQL Protocol and RDF Query Language) queries. For evaluation, we demonstrated that the knowledge graph built could infer the risks, formulated by the government. Moreover, we conducted reasoning experiments to analyze the computational efficiency. The experiments demonstrated usefulness of the knowledge processing, and identified issues left for deployment